Dan Hirsch joined Intel's Argentina Software Development Center (ASDC) in September of 2006 after returning to Argentina. This Center is part of the Software and Solutions Group (SSG). Dan's current position is Sr. Software Engineer and he is the Technical Leader for the Argentina Cluster Engineering Team at ASDC, working in High Performance Computing and Distributed Systems. Also Dan has worked in multiple other actions related to ASDC projects and overall center organization. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science from Universidad de Buenos Aires. Prior to coming to Intel, Dan spent four years working as Researcher at the University of Pisa and at the Imperial College of London, both in the context of two European Union Research projects on Global Computing. Before going abroad, Dan was Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Computer Science Department of the University of Buenos Aires for more than 10 years in the area of Software Engineering, Software Architectures and Formal Methods. Also, Dan worked for two years as software engineering consultant for several Software Engineering consulting companies in Buenos Aires, and for seven years as Systems Chief Administrator for an important Argentina TV Group.